Cumbrian businesses took centre-stage during international trade conversations at a meeting hosted by Britain’s Energy Coast Business Cluster (BECBC) and Dalton Cumbria Facility.
A group of Department of Trade (DIT) representatives from eleven different countries on a week’s intensive visits throughout the UK, had extended an invitation to meet with Cumbrian businesses in the energy sector interested in international trade opportunities.
John Grainger, Executive Director of the Cluster: “The main aim of the Cluster is to identify and facilitate business opportunities for our members and the wider energy supply chain in Cumbria and beyond. Collaboration is at the heart of what we do; and collaboration is at the heart of good and sustainable business. Today’s meeting was just that – an excellent occasion to bring some of the best in the energy sector together and help drive vital international business conversations.”
Participants heard about Dalton Cumbria’s highly specialised testing facilities for radio-active material and the region’s unique capabilities in the energy sector across nuclear, oil, gas and renewables. Some of the most advanced technology, originating in Cumbria, such as the use of nuclear energy for the creation of long-lasting power cells, which can be used in extreme conditions, including under water, and copper storage units for radioactive material were presented to the DIT audience.
Cumbrian business leaders then met face-to-face with the various country representatives to discuss respective opportunities for international networking and trade.
Alys Gardner, Business Development Manager for Cavendish Nuclear: “ There is no substitute for face-to-face meetings. Today’s event was a chance not only to meet with the Department for International Trade, but to get a better understanding of the outstanding technological capabilities here in Cumbria. We will walk away with a high-level of insights which we otherwise might not have had, and I would hope to see more of these types of events rolled out in the future.”
As Britain’s Energy Business Cluster expands its work internationally, Cluster members will be able to participate in further events of this kind, such as the autumn nuclear and business event in Paris organised by the DIT France.
BECBC has also just announced its first international Clean Energy conference to be held in Manchester 6th November 2019. For more information please go to: