Skills bootcamps are giving Cumbrian construction firms a boost.
The Department for Education’s initiative, run by Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership, are for people aged 19 and over and are designed with employers to meet industry needs.
The courses can run for up to 16 weeks and their aim is to help fill in-demand jobs and address future skills gaps.
In Cumbria, the focus is on construction, digital, green economy, logistics and project management.
In Carlisle, Mark Moodycliffe, managing director of RH Irving Construction Ltd, said: “We want to develop our workforce. Particularly those who have been with us since we started
“They’ve gone from working on the ground to dealing with multi-million-pound contracts. The solution was a Saturday boot camp for 11 staff run by BTP Cumbria.
“Areas such as delegation, dealing with sub-contractors, and change were particularly valuable. The group also benefited from looking at how construction projects around the world are run as well as the business of contracting. Overall the bootcamp was a massive success with everyone developing in their roles.”
Cubby Construction in Carlisle said the bootcamps were helping it to invest and train up-and-coming young people, with the chance for them to work alongside experienced staff.
In Endmoor near Kendal, L&W Wilson Ltd’s managing director Alan Wilson said: “The new starters got basic training which has already proven beneficial on site.”
Keith Dymond, of BTP, said: “The outcomes we have achieved for companies like Cubby Construction and Leck Construction in Barrow have been astounding.
“It has convinced me that skills bootcamps are the best option for civil engineering companies in Cumbria who are looking for new staff.
” With some intense practical training, learners are more able to quickly ‘hit the ground running’. The feedback from companies like L&W Wilson and RH Irving say Skills Bootcamps also demonstrate real benefits for those who want to upskill their existing staff. BTP are proud to be involved in a scheme which is making such a difference in Cumbria to the construction skills shortage.”
Places on the bootcamps are free to individuals and the self-employed. The cost to employers is heavily subsided with SMEs having 90% of their costs met and large businesses 70% meaning that an SME can benefit from a training programme of £4,500 for £450.
Business or people who are interested in Skills Bootcamps can email [email protected] or visit Cumbria LEP’s website for more information at